FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
These FAQs are for Glitter Body Art Ltd stencil products ONLY
1. What are Glitter Tattoos?
Glitter Tattoos are a type of temporary tattoo that are produced using a stencil template, body adhesive and cosmetic glitter to create a long lasting temporary tattoo.
2. How long does a Glitter Tattoo last?
If the skin is cleaned properly and the tattoo applied correctly, the glitter tattoo can last up to 7 days.
3. What are Glitter Tattoo Stencils?
Glitter Tattoo stencils are a three layer stencil template, paper backing, black template and top clear sheeting for easy application.
4. Are Glitter Tattoos Waterproof?
Glitter Tattoos are waterproof, however, do not rub tattoo whilst wet during bathing or swimming. Long regular use of chlorinated swimming pools will diminish the tattoo.
5. What size are glitter tattoo stencils?
The perimeter of the average sized regular stencil is approximately 6cm x 6cm, a midi stencil is approximately 4cm x 3cm (dependent on design) and mini stencils are 2.5cm x 2.5cm
6. Are Glitter Tattoo stencils re-useable?
NO. It is not recommended to reuse stencils because they have self-adhesive backing and can cause cross-contamination from person to person.
7. Can I do a Glitter Tattoo on the Face?
The stencils can be used on the face but only using Glitter Body Art’s “Make Up Glitter Fix” and Premium Cosmetic Glitter.
8. How to you remove a Glitter Tattoo?
Surgical spirit will remove the glitter tattoo, however, if on the face then use Makeup Remover.
9. What glue do you use for a Glitter Tattoo?
Our Body Glue Plus is specially formulated body safe glue. Do not use PVA craft glue.
10. What is the minimum age for a Glitter Tattoo?
We do not recommend using on children under 3 years of age as their immunity system is not fully developed and may cause a reaction.
11. Do I need Public Liability insurance for doing Glitter Tattoos on the general public?
Yes, this is crucial before using on the general public. We recommend Black Friars Insurance, however, there are several companies that provide this service.
12. How much do I charge for doing a Glitter Tattoo?
The average size tattoo we recommend charging £4 plus and for the mini stencils £1. Generally tattooists charge £3 for one base colour but price is dependant upon which area you live and demand.
13. How to clean the skin before applying a Glitter Tattoo?
In order for the tattoo to last long we suggest using surgical spirit to clean the skin before applying, this removes any oils on the skin. Do not use on broken skin or rashes.
14. What glitter do you use for Glitter Tattoos?
You can use our body GLITTER and Cosmetic premium grade glitter which are cosmetically approved and safe to use on the skin.
15. Where can you put a Glitter Tattoo?
Glitter Tattoos are safe to use anywhere but not recommended on intimate areas or unbroken skin.
If you have any further FAQs please CONTACT US